All About Kitchen Managers

What does a kitchen manager do? It’s all in the name, right? They bring structure and leadership to the kitchen. Well, there’s a lot more under the surface. You’ll play a hands-on role in training, motivating, and inspiring your team. Working together with your general manager, you’ll smash those targets, help your team bring their …

Never Ghost Your Employer Here’s What to Do Instead

It’s safe to say that many of us don’t like to be the bearer of bad news. However, when it comes to being professional at work, it’s in your best interest to be a good communicator. That means when an uncomfortable issue arises, be it canceling an interview or quitting a job, ghosting is not …

Are You Doing Enough for ESG? What Your Employees Can Tell You

In today’s business climate, there is more to a successful operation than a positive balance sheet. Companies must also prove that they’re considering additional stakeholders in the way they do business, like their employees, customers, and the wider community.  These metrics are referred to as ESG, short for environmental, social, and governance factors. These non-financial …

Reduce Turnover by Creating Room for Your Team to Grow Internally

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average 2021 turnover rate in the leisure and hospitality industry was 84.9% compared to the overall rate of 47.2% nationally. While high turnover rates in the hospitality industry are not a surprise, it doesn’t mean that companies can’t shift the trend. It’s no secret that your employees are …

The Importance of Stay Interviews

Why wait until an employee is leaving to get their feedback? While there is value in the exit interview, the stay interview may help employers to keep more of their employees in the first place. Here is an introduction to this valuable feedback tool, and why they’re so important. What Is a Stay Interview? A …

Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Imagine that an employee has a creative idea that could change the way their team works. But the last time they shared an idea, their manager quickly shut it down. So they sit quietly to avoid the risk of rejection, and do what they’re told. If your organization promoted psychological safety, this idea—and many others—could …

Collaborative Hiring Is the Best Hiring Method

When it’s time to hire new talent it’s no secret that you want to find the candidate that’s the best fit for the job at hand. However, the traditional process for searching for the right person to fill those shoes has been shifting to what is known as a collaborative hiring approach. defines collaborative …

The Dimensions of Diversity

The human race is beautifully diverse in many ways; from skin colors to cultural backgrounds and even personalities, we cannot deny the visible difference. It is quite an eyesore that many actions have been (and are still be) taken to portray discrimination subtly or loudly. In a successful hospitality organization, as well as other industries, …