The Dimensions of Diversity

The human race is beautifully diverse in many ways; from skin colors to cultural backgrounds and even personalities, we cannot deny the visible difference. It is quite an eyesore that many actions have been (and are still be) taken to portray discrimination subtly or loudly. In a successful hospitality organization, as well as other industries, …

Mentors vs. Sponsors: Why You Need Both

Our team recently attended the AHLA ForWard Conference, an annual event (although put on hold during the height of COVD) for women in the hospitality industry, and this year, much of the conference focused on mentorship.  Although there were many examples of real mentor/mentee relationships at the conferences, in a previous survey Hcareers conducted, 60% …

Recover From Burnout When You Have to Keep Working

It’s most likely that you’ve heard of burnout and you may have even experienced it. Caused by chronic work stress, being burnt out is characterized by signs such as emotional exhaustion, lack of energy, and loss of satisfaction with work – and has been linked to a wide range of physical conditions. Work stress activates …

Do Your Work Values Match Your Employer?

Have you ever had a job that just wasn’t right? The salary may have been fair, and your job responsibilities were in line with your skills. But for some reason, the workplace or the company culture just didn’t satisfy your expectations. You found yourself headed home at the end of the day dissatisfied and unenthused …

7 Ways To Achieve A Better Work-Life Balance

“Work-life balance” is one of those buzzwords we see everywhere, like “a balanced diet.” We all know that it’s important, but we’re not all great at putting it into practice.  A healthy work-life balance treats both your work and your personal life as valuable and important. In our hyperconnected, rise-and-grind culture, too many of us …

New Hire Onboarding Checklist: Set Them Up for Success

Onboarding is the time when a new employee gets to become acquainted with the workplace, their team, and their new day-to-day life while being set up for success.  A successful onboarding leads to better job performance and higher employee satisfaction which will lead to higher retention, but what makes a strong onboarding schedule?  These are …

Are Your Employees Actually Happy?

Recent studies have shown that companies that have unhappy employees have three percent lower earnings per share than the norm. In fact, lost productivity due to disengaged or unhappy employees costs the company and the economy a lot annually. The hospitality business is a people-centered one that can only thrive when the hospitality personnel is …

Top 7 Employee Retention Strategies

The hospitality industry has one of the highest turnover rates compared to other sectors of the economy. Frequent turnover imposes a high financial cost on companies, and it’s a sign that employees aren’t finding jobs where they can thrive and be happy long-term. Turnover can also affect the guest experience because a new employee who’s …

3 Ways to Better Support Employees

Our latest survey asked our audience what resources hospitality professionals have available to them from their employers, and what they think would help them reach their career goals.  Thank you to everyone for their feedback, below is a summary of the findings.  Career advancement in the hospitality industry  61% of our audience believes that there …

Cultivate Engagement in the Workplace

Employee engagement in the workplace is a great indicator of whether they are satisfied. High levels of employee engagement will increase retention of talent, customer loyalty and improve overall organization performance. What exactly is employee engagement? Employee engagement means that the employee does not just come to work to collect their paycheck or get the …