Reasons Why You May Want to Hire Someone With No Previous Hotel Experience

Saying that it has been a difficult and complicated year for hotels would be a massive understatement. COVID restrictions have crippled many businesses that were unable to quickly adapt to the requirements of the new normal. As the world continues to undergo massive changes that are upending industries across the planet, hoteliers may benefit from taking non-traditional …

How to Navigate Difficult Conversations at Work

Research data curated by Fast Company reveals that almost one-third of professionals admit that they’d rather work an extra six hours a week than enlist help from their bosses or colleagues. It’s mostly because of stress, challenges with co-workers or managers, staying on top of new projects, and the fear of making mistakes. Admitting that you need …

Should You Accept Any Position?

It’s one thing to worry about your health, but today’s global crisis has led to many people worrying about their financial security or how they will be able to start their career after graduation, on top of everything else that’s going on. This undeniably tense and stressful climate means that many are either poring over …