The largest and most racially diverse generation in American history, Gen Zers (or those born between 1995-2010) are poised to flood the job market, and their unique habits, behaviors, and needs will — and perhaps already are — have a monumental impact on the workforce of tomorrow.

In late 2018, the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Foundation commissioned Hcareers to develop a survey to better understand the factors driving Generation Z’s decision making with respect to career choices, specifically careers in the hotel and lodging industry.

This comprehensive report on Gen Z provides insights into: 

  • what motivates them
  • what influences their career choices
  • how they perceive the hotel and lodging industry
  • how these differ among age groups, gender, races, and ethnicities

The survey provides a quantitative lens with which to evaluate how Gen Z’s attitudes, behaviors, and preferences impact hiring managers’ and hotel executives’ recruitment and retention efforts.

Click here to view the full report and learn how Gen Z works.