Thinking about skipping the reference check? These 3 reasons will change your mind

You picked the best 10 resumes from the six dozen you received. You narrowed your choices further with brief phone interviews before bringing your top five in for interviews. After an afternoon of lively discussion with the rest of your management team, you’ve decided which candidate you want to hire. But hold on a moment. …

Real talk about restaurant management with Paul Jennette

The hospitality industry has always been known for fostering long-standing, dedicated individuals who have hospitality in their blood. Turnover is high, but there is no doubt that many hospitality professionals start at the bottom and slowly make their way to the top of the industry with hard work and perseverance; therefore, spending the majority of …

The staff That Made Me Feel at Home on the Road

When traveling, we almost always remember the times when service misses the mark and often fail to realize that great service typically goes unnoticed. Even though great service is sometimes hard to spot, I’ve found that it’s these details that make a memorable trip. But what does great service mean? To me, this is when …

5 most costly restaurant job search errors

The restaurant industry is full of vibrant professionals building rewarding careers. Are you making errors that might inhibit your landing the perfect job? Here are some crucial missteps to avoid. 1. You are looking for jobs in all the wrong places If you’re open to employment in any job, within any industry, you can spend …

Dos and Don’ts of Hotel Management

Hotel management is a demanding but rewarding profession. You’ve got the power to make guests so wowed by your service that they come back again and again—which also means that you’ve got the responsibility of consistently keeping a huge number of people happy, healthy, and taken care of. Not to mention, you’re in charge of …

Consider these 5 factors before accepting a hospitality job offer

While every job search is different, it’s not unusual for a professional to spend several weeks to months hunting for his or her next position—even in a continuously growing industry such as hospitality. That could mean dozens of days spent scouring job boards, reaching out to networks, submitting applications and resumes, scheduling interviews, and waiting …

Inexpensive ways to make your hotel staff happy

The difference between a hotel with few guests and a bad reputation and a popular hotel known for its accommodations usually comes down to one major factor: your staff. More than anything else, your staff has the power to make or break your customer’s experience. A friendly welcome, a well-cleaned room, and a few extra …

5 tips for retaining hospitality heroes

Wolverine had his claws, Wonder Woman had her lasso of truth, the Hulk had nearly unlimited strength, and Thor had his hammer. But your best employees possess something even more valuable: the ability to provide unparalleled service to hotel and restaurant guests, ensuring their satisfaction and your healthy bottom line. While most people eventually change …