Why Sustainability Should Matter to Hospitality Companies

Sustainability has worked its way to the forefront of most industries, including the hospitality industry. As Earth Day (April 22) approaches, we’re going to take a look at how sustainability efforts are happening, and why more hospitality companies should take on sustainability efforts to attract and retain guests and employees.  How can Hospitality Companies be …

How to Set Boundaries at Work

Because we all spend so much time at work, setting boundaries should be a big priority… it means being more efficient and confident and less stressed each day. Boundaries help preserve physical and emotional energy so you can stay focused on your work and meet the standards that are required for your job. These work …

How to Improve Your Relationship with a Difficult Coworker

There will always be people with whom we don’t get along, at school, at work, and even among our own families. It’s just a fact of life.  Undoubtedly you’ve already encountered trying guests if you work in the hospitality industry. These are never pleasant interactions, but it’s important to keep in mind that it’s your …

6 Tips to Optimize Mock Interviews

Congrats! You landed an interview after hours spent crafting a cover letter, and resume and applying to hundreds of jobs. Now you need to prepare yourself for the interview, and the best way to do so is with a mock interview.  What is a mock interview? A mock interview is a practice interview to run through common interview …

Hacks to Improve Your Productivity at Work

Are you looking to increase your productivity at work but not sure where to start? Try these tips to help! 1. Use the Pomodoro Technique The Pomodoro Technique helps with time management by stating you should split your workday into more manageable and productive chunks. Their method says to work for a 25-minute stretch of …

Laundry Professional: Skills and Career Paths

What does a laundry professional do? Laundry pros are a key part of the housekeeping team, which is the heart of a hotel. You are responsible for organizing, cleaning, and sorting hotel items, including sheets and towels, table linens, and possibly guests’ personal items. You’ll use the provided cleaning materials to complete your tasks as …