The hotel industry is all about great service, strong people skills, and attention to detail. When you’re first starting out, you want to make a solid first impression and get off on the right foot with your manager to showcase those skills. It also helps to understand what kind of boss you have and how you’re performance will be evaluated.

What can you do to ensure you’re putting your best foot forward? Here are 12 tips to make an impact:

1. Listen and pay attention: Not only to basic instructions and general information but listen for subtle clues about what the manager notices and appreciates. If you pick up on a specific area of concern/interest (maybe it’s how quickly you answer the phone or how organized your workspace is) and really excel at that, your boss will be impressed and he/she will notice.

According to Daniel A. Johnson, CHA and VP of Operations for Argeo Hospitality, “Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big impact. You have two ears and one mouth. Use them in that proportion, and you’ll often become the smartest gal or guy in the room.”

2. Show up early: This is always impressive, showing the boss that you are serious about your job and have a strong work ethic. If you get there before everyone else, make the coffee. Your co-workers will appreciate the gesture and you’ll be perceived as thoughtful and willing to do whatever needs to be done.

3. Dress the part: Regardless of whether you’re at the reception or concierge desk, in housekeeping, or in the restaurant, be sure you look sharp. Your uniform should be clean and pressed and your hair (and make-up) should be appropriate. It shows everyone that you care and understand how important first impressions are to your guests.

4. Stay focused: Make sure you’re never seen playing online games, surfing the web, posting on social media, or gossiping with co-workers. Be sure you’re giving the impression that your mind is on your job and you’re there to work.

5, Be honest about everything: Don’t ever lie about anything at work. Own up to your mistakes, fix problems when you can, and don’t pass the buck. Lying will destroy your credibility forever.

6. Keep up with industry news: Read about your competition, innovations in the hospitality trade, and new technologies. Find out what’s trending in leisure travel and corporate events. Staying informed will allow you to contribute in meaningful ways when you have a chance to chat with the boss.

7. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities: When possible, suggest a new idea or way of doing something that will save the company money or help your hotel stand out from the competition. Coming up with your own ideas shows you’re interested in promoting the overall company goals.

8. Never turn down an assignment: When the boss has a new assignment, be the first to volunteer. Always be willing to try new things and learn about an unfamiliar area of the hotel. Be the “go-to” person who is willing to test his/her skills and demonstrate commitment to the work.

9. Stay on top of your work: Follow up and make sure everything you’ve been assigned is fully completed. Don’t just assume something’s been done or that someone else is doing it.

10. Be resourceful: When something needs to be done, think it through and figure out the best way to do it. Don’t run to the boss with every question or setback. Show that you are capable and enterprising.

11. Be flexible: When there’s a schedule change or someone asks you to help out with their shift, be willing and available. Change happens and it’s best to be seen as someone who can adapt.

12. Be a team player: Show your boss and co-workers that you are happy to help when needed and have their best interests at heart. Share the load, be encouraging and step in to go beyond the call.