10 Golden Tips For the Job Interview Follow Up

The most important step in the interview process that many candidates forget to do, is following-up! If you want to show that you are truly excited and interested in the opportunity, you want to depict that to the employer. Make sure to never overwhelm them, but to communicate with them to know where they are …

How to Explain Your Return to the Job Market

Some people’s lives begin to sound like a Soap Opera because there have been so many extenuating circumstances. Nobody’s perfect. But nobody wants to hear about your problems and baggage either. Especially in the job interview. The following is some advice to handle those tricky situations when interviewing that may be difficult to talk about …

Ten Tips to Boost Your Interview IQ

Even the smartest and most qualified job seekers need to prepare for job interviews. Why you ask? Interviewing is a learned skill, and there are no second chances to make a great first impression. So study these 10 strategies and caveats to enhance your interview IQ. Practice Good Nonverbal Communication It’s about demonstrating confidence: standing …