In order to be successful in the workplace, managers need to provide training to employees, but employees also need to be coachable. Great leaders and managers are more like coaches and mentors for their team members, leading them through career development and accomplishing goals they have planned out. 

Coachability means that a person is receptive to feedback, and constructive criticism and will use that to improve their performance in the workplace. Someone who is truly coachable will not only respond well when given feedback but actively seek it. 

These are the three most important traits of being coachable:

1. Be Open

Growing in your career or learning a new skill to improve your performance opens you up to more opportunities for mistakes. You have to be willing to open yourself up to constructive criticism and correction, but once you are able to overcome those fears you will benefit greatly. 

2. Have Passion

You must have a willingness to take the first step and try, and the passion to keep working towards accomplishing the task and goal at hand. You can show your passion by asking clarification questions, being open to new things, and actually taking the feedback given and making adjustments. 

3. Be Self Aware

To be coachable you have to be aware of your own strengths, skills, and what needs improvement. You should be able to measure your own progress and be able to accept feedback and constructive criticism. 

Here are specific ways to show you want to be coachable or are already coachable:

Ask for feedback. Make it as simple as asking, “What is a suggestion you have for me to be more effective in my job?” This opens the door for constructive feedback. 

Make sure to clarify feedback. Ask follow-up questions or specific tactics for turning the feedback into an action item. 

Thank them. Show the person that you received the feedback well and open the door for them to continue helping you by saying thank you.