We surveyed the Hcareers audience for their thoughts on how the hospitality industry is supporting diversity and inclusion efforts, and how a diverse and inclusive workplace can help create a better experience for guests and employees alike.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our survey. Below is a breakdown of the results.

To start off positively, 66% of our respondents believe that the hospitality industry is more diverse than other industries, while 44% think their workplace is on par with the overall industry. However, those who identify as Black or African American are three times more likely to view the industry as less diverse compared to their White or Hispanic counterparts

Does the Industry offer equal opportunities? 

Although the majority view the industry as diverse, Black or African American workers see fewer opportunities to progress throughout their careers.

When asked about career advancement, 54% say the industry presents equal opportunities regardless of an employee’s race, religion, national origin, gender, ability, or age, but only 47% of Asians and 33% of Blacks or African Americans would agree. Those who disagree say that the ability to advance into management depends on whether there is representation already in the leadership.

How are companies doing, really?

72% say that their employer puts forth suitable effort towards diversity and inclusion in their workplaces, but of that group, 6% also mentioned their employers are not doing enough towards improving diversity in mid to upper-level roles. 39% of Black or African American respondents feel that their employer has not shown support, twice that of White or Hispanic respondents.

Clear diversity and inclusion efforts from companies have become a priority for job seekers. 75% will not work for an employer who does not show efforts, some stating they may depend on if they think they can initiate change at their individual level. To keep attracting talent, employers need to keep in mind what message they are sending job seekers and how they are acting on that message.

In order to continue attracting talent, companies need to keep in mind that diversity is important to candidates and they must make improvements to illustrate their efforts. 

How can employers improve?

More diversity efforts throughout the industry are needed. Our respondents highlight three main calls to action; recruit, hire and promote BIPOC employees, offer anti-bias training, and improve transparency around their efforts.

Companies can increase partner with minority mentorship programs, create tuition assistance or reimbursement initiatives, and advertise within historic Black colleges or universities, particularly those with hospitality programs. Education is a major factor in career advancement, so creating more opportunities for higher education for employees will increase advancement.

Providing company-wide anti-bias training, specifically with current mid to upper management, helps ensure equal advancement. Employees must first identify workplace bias that exists and understand how to properly address it.

We’ve seen many employers express their support of diversity and inclusion recently, however, people want to see proof, not just social media posts. Avoid performative messaging and broad gestures and instead, ensure actions are being taken. Clearly detail those efforts and the specific actions and allow the public and their employees to hold them accountable.

Diversity strengthens the hospitality industry 

Having a diverse workforce is vital in forming connections with other team members and guests from all backgrounds. Guests can feel more comfortable if they meet an employee that comes from the same country as them, or can speak the same language, creating loyalty to your company.

 Additionally, shared experiences bring unique solutions and points of view for problem-solving. You’ll have more options and lived experiences thinking through solutions.

Increasing diversity paves the way for generations of hospitality employees to come. It gives everyone equal opportunities to grow their career paths and become better leaders, strengthening the industry.