If you’re a job seeker, the weeks proceeding Christmas is an optimal time to find your next employment opportunity. Utilize these 5 steps to ensure you’re “up to speed” during this key period:

1. Redouble your efforts in sending out resumes, conducting networking, etc.

Employers are making year-end quotas and they might just be looking to fill some previously budgeted vacancies that must be filled prior to year’s end.

2. Make sure you’ve done your (research) homework.

Be clear on exactly what position you’re seeking (and ensure that your resume reflects it to best advantage). Use a resume-critiquing service like Allison & Taylor to ensure that your resume will get you that all-important first interview. Do some investigative homework on your prospective employers to ensure that your future interviews highlight the immediate, positive contributions you can make to their company.

3. Hone your interviewing skills.

Conduct “role play” sessions with friends and family where you have them pose questions to you in an interview-style format. This will better enable you to develop a comfort level with the interview venue, and help you anticipate the kind of questions you’ll receive during the “real thing”.

4. Review Your Skill Set.

What “value add” can you offer that will tip the employment scales in your favor? If there are any gaps in your skill set, consider using software tools, online training sites, etc. to round out your knowledge base.

5. Make sure your references are solid.

You certainly don’t want to make it through the interview process with flying colors, only to lose the job because your former supervisor/HR representative gave you a lackluster (or negative) reference. Take charge of your career search by checking your own references with a company like Allison & Taylor. If any employer negativity is documented, you will be able to do something about it with tools such as a Cease & Desist letter.

Christmas will be here before you know it – take the steps above now to help ensure you celebrate the holiday with a new job.

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