The hiring manager’s job is to find adequate candidates for positions that need to be filled in a short amount of time. They are typically experts in reviewing resumes for pertinent information. So, how can you gain a hiring manager’s interest in just a few quick seconds? Here are some tips:

1. Insert the exact title of the job you’re applying for right at the beginning of the resume

Those on the job hunt typically grow concerned over what the title of the resume should begin with. Should it be Hotel General Manager? Head Chef? This should actually be a very simple task; just use the exact title of the posting you are applying for! This will eliminate the chance of your resume being lost in the shuffle of hundreds of thousands of resumes that were submitted.

2. Reference the Job Skills in the Opening

When it comes to a successful resume, the closer you are to the employer’s description of what they are looking for, the more likely you are to gain an interview. The first thing you want to do is review the posting fully and carefully. What are the skills they are looking for and do you have them? Create a brief opening paragraph of no more than 3-4 lines. A Hotel General Manager position may lead you to describe your experience managing the hotel’s overall operation. Whatever you choose to use you should be able to back it up within the work history section of your resume.

3. Quantify Accomplishments Where You Can

Every position that you have held within a 10-12 year period should include a “Key Accomplishments” section. This is where you list your successes in bullet points. Make sure you insert concrete details whenever the chance arises and stay away from general fluff. You may need to go back and review old records or call up colleagues to gain the appropriate information. This little bit of extra work can really pay off in the end! The difference between seeing “Increased room reservations” and “Increased room reservations by 50%” can make a huge impact on the reader and can even lead to an interview versus a rejection letter.

One of the advantages is that it sets the stage for a terrific interview. Taking the extra time to adequately structure your resume and highlight your skillsets can help to create some great talking points during the interview that you and the hiring manager can elaborate on. Best of luck in your search!