5 Ways to Steady Your Boat in an Unstable Job Market

As gale-force winds continue to stir the choppy waters of the U.S. economy, even the gainfully employed may find themselves in danger of capsizing. The debt ceiling debacle, U.S. credit downgrade, stock market rollercoaster, and whispers of a double-dip recession have resulted in economic seasickness. It’s time to make fast and steady your boat. These …

Why “That’s Not Part of My Job” Should be Banished From Your Vocabulary

Ask yourself this question: Am I so totally, unequivocally happy in my current position that I do not have the slightest desire to ever move to another? What was your answer? If it was “No,” then you should banish the phrase “That’s not part of my job” from your workplace vocabulary, pronto. Don’t do it …

5 Ways Parents Balance Work and Life

As we embark on the cusp of a new school year and children head back to the classroom, high-powered mothers and fathers working full-time must strike a healthy balance between meeting the needs of employers and fulfilling their responsibilities to the family. Given the economic crunch and the ever-increasing demands for productivity in the workplace, …